Today, I find myself pondering the increasingly vocal world of activism we’re living in. Everywhere I turn, be it social media platforms, billboards, or television commercials, messages advocating for everything from veganism to sexual orientation awareness are being championed with gusto.

Now, let me be clear. I’m all for equality. I firmly believe in promoting a world where everyone, regardless of who they love or what they eat, feels accepted and valued. But, I find myself questioning the methods. When every commercial enterprise jumps on the activism bandwagon, I can’t help but feel the essence of the cause is diluted in the process. It sometimes feels more like a marketing tactic rather than genuine support for equality.

To me, true equality would mean representation for all – even those who seem to belong to the ‘majority’. It would mean having a Straight Pride Month alongside Gay Pride Month, or maybe a ‘Meat-Eating Awareness Week’ to counterbalance ‘Veganuary’. It’s a humorous thought, but isn’t there some truth to it? If we are to level the playing field, shouldn’t all lifestyles be equally highlighted, not just those that are trendy or controversial?

This predicament reminds me of a joke I once heard – ‘How do you know if someone’s a vegan? Don’t worry, they’ll tell you.’ It’s a humorous take on the scenario, but it also reflects a reality – that sometimes, the loudest voices in the room can overshadow the quieter ones, making true equality harder to achieve.

Perhaps, the key is to find a balance – to champion causes that matter, without losing sight of the need for broad representation. Let’s celebrate diversity in all its forms, not just the ones that are currently in vogue. Let’s turn the volume down a bit so we can hear all the voices, not just the ones with the loudest speakers. After all, isn’t that what true equality should look like?