About me

Hello, and welcome to my corner of the web. My name is Ethan Parker, a title that masks an ocean of stories, struggles, and serendipities. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been drawn to the allure of thoughts and words, a passion I’ve transformed into this blog – my digital haven.

I’m a self-confessed introvert, a silent observer who thrives in the quiet corners of life. By day, I navigate the world of programming, a realm ruled by logic and efficiency. Binary numbers and algorithms form my daily landscape, an exciting jigsaw of complexities that satisfies my analytical mind.

Despite my outwardly logical nature, I’ve always been an empath at heart. An old soul, as some might say, with a well-tuned antenna for the emotions of those around me. My sensitivity is both my strength and my Achilles’ heel – it allows me to connect on a deep, meaningful level but also opens me to the pain and suffering of others, which can often be overwhelming.

Through this blog, I seek solace in the written word. The act of articulating my thoughts, of translating my innermost musings into coherent sentences, provides an avenue of escape. It’s here that I delve into the emotions that don’t have easy solutions, here that I attempt to unravel the paradoxes of life. From contemplating the dynamics of human behaviour to musing over the nature of logical and illogical minds, I welcome you to join me as I navigate the myriad mysteries of life.

Beyond the realms of logic and reason, my life is a testament to the beauty and complexity of the human condition. I invite you to delve into my musings, my reflections, my stories. This is not merely a blog but a journey – an exploration of the hidden corners of the mind, an adventure in understanding the heart, a voyage into the soul of an ordinary man living an extraordinary life.

In addition to being a programmer, I am also an avid indoor cyclist. Zwift isn’t just a platform; it’s my digital playground, a virtual world where I race, explore, and push my limits. Indoor cycling, for me, is a blend of physical challenge and mental escape. As I pedal through pixelated landscapes, competing against fellow cyclists from around the globe, I find a unique sense of freedom. It’s a world where I can channel my competitiveness, hone my focus, and test the limits of my endurance.

Welcome to my world. I’m Ethan Parker, a programmer by profession, a writer by passion, and an empath by nature. And this is my story.

Ethan Parker

A logical mind may solve a problem, but it’s the empathetic heart that heals a soul.

Contact Ethan…