Beyond the Algorithm - Reflections of a Logical Mind

Loss is an ache that lingers, a silent phantom that hides in the corners of our heart, resurfacing at the most unexpected times. Today, it’s the memory of a dear friend, lost to the clutches of a glioblastoma, that haunts me. His life, so vibrant and full, was abruptly extinguished in the span of three mere months. He was 62.

These memories come crashing back with a new-found poignancy, casting a long, chilling shadow over the present. The spectre of this past loss amplifies my current fears – fears for my best friend who now stands on the threshold of a similar battle. But she’s only 29. Too young, too precious to be ensnared in this cruel game of fate.

The logical part of me, the one that deals in probabilities and solutions, stands in a corner, defeated. The onslaught of emotions, of fears, of the harsh realities that no logic can refute, is too overwhelming. It’s a dark alley I am walking down, no solutions at hand, only the gnawing dread and a prayer on my lips.

Yet, in the deafening silence of the impending storm, I find a strange resolve taking root within me. A refusal to let the ghost of past losses dictate the course of the present. A resilience to stand beside my friend, to weather this storm together.

She may be only 29, but she’s a force of nature, a reservoir of courage. The road ahead might be treacherous, fraught with uncertainties and fears. But I have faith in her strength, in our bond, and in the resolve that we shall overcome, one day at a time. For life is as much a dance of shadows as it is a waltz in the sunlight, and every beat, every rhythm, every step counts.