Beyond the Algorithm - Reflections of a Logical Mind

Narcissism: When logic takes a backseat

In the meandering journey of human interactions, today finds me contemplating a curious behavioural pattern often observed in narcissistic individuals. It’s a perplexing trait, one that initially seems inconsequential but can significantly shape the dynamics of a conversation or relationship – their refusal or inability to employ logic to substantiate their claims.

Consider a scenario where a disagreement arises in a professional setting. A constructive approach to such a conflict would involve presenting one’s viewpoint backed by logical reasoning and evidence. An open dialogue would be encouraged, where differing opinions are heard and evaluated on the merits of their argument.

Now, let’s introduce a narcissistic personality into this scenario. Their approach to the disagreement is likely to be starkly different. The narcissist, rather than presenting a logically reasoned argument, often resorts to emotional deflections, blame-shifting or outright dismissal of opposing views. They might not explain why you’re wrong, but assert that you simply are.

For instance, if a team project didn’t go as planned, instead of analysing what went wrong and discussing how to improve, a narcissist might blame a team member without providing substantial reasons. Even when evidence points otherwise, the narcissist sticks to their blame-game, refusing to engage in a logical evaluation of the situation.

This absence of logic and reliance on emotional manipulation isn’t merely a sign of poor communication skills. It’s an alarm bell, a signpost pointing towards potential narcissism. The refusal to use logic and reason in arguments is not just about winning a debate; it’s about maintaining control, preserving their inflated self-image, and evading responsibility.

In personal relationships, this behaviour can be even more damaging. A narcissist might deny their hurtful actions, twisting the narrative to make you feel like you’re overreacting or misremembering. This tactic, known as ‘gaslighting’, is often employed without providing logical explanations, leaving you in a state of self-doubt and confusion.

Recognizing this pattern of refusing to present logical arguments is a crucial step in navigating interactions with narcissists. It enables us to see through the manipulative tactics, preserve our mental wellbeing, and insist on mutual respect and open dialogue. Remember, a conversation where logic is dismissed in favour of emotional manipulation is not a dialogue; it’s a power play. And recognizing it for what it is can be the first step towards breaking free from its grip.