Beyond the Algorithm - Reflections of a Logical Mind

Today was a day of stark revelations, a day of reckoning. The consultation with the neurosurgeon brought forth a reality that was both terrifying and miraculous. The tumour, an insidious invader, has claimed the life of the main vein in her brain. The fact that she is still alive, still fighting, is nothing short of a miracle.

The tumour, an occipital meningioma, has been silently growing for up to 15 years. A silent enemy, slowly expanding, quietly reshaping the landscape of her brain. Its size is one of the largest the neurosurgeon has seen, a testament to its insidious growth. The grade of the tumour remains uncertain until they operate, but it’s likely a grade 1 or 2. A seemingly benign classification, yet it does nothing to lessen the severity of her situation.

Surgery is scheduled for a few weeks from now. A daunting prospect, a necessary battle. But the victory will be bittersweet. They can remove the majority of the tumour, but not all. A small segment will have to be left behind, a necessary concession to preserve her life. But this means the tumour will regrow, a grim reality she will have to live with.

Her future now holds a life of complications, a life lived under the enormous shadow of this relentless enemy. Medical interventions will become a part of her life – gamma knife procedures, possible shunts, further surgeries. It’s a daunting prospect, a future fraught with uncertainty and challenges.

The news is a bitter pill to swallow. It’s a harsh reality that feels like a cruel joke. But amidst the fear and uncertainty, there is a glimmer of hope. She’s alive, she’s fighting, and she’s not alone. We will face this together, navigate this stormy sea side by side. It’s a battle she didn’t choose, but it’s one she won’t have to fight alone.