Imagine standing in front of a locked door. You have an array of keys at your disposal, yet, you find yourself hesitating, apprehensive to try them out. Instead, you dwell on the closed door, the obstacle, dismissing each key based on perceived flaws without even attempting to unlock the door. This analogy, I believe, aptly represents a certain facet of our psychological behaviour – our tendency to resist solutions in favour of dwelling on problems.

We’ve all been there. A challenge presents itself, and rather than actively seeking solutions, we focus on the limitations, the potential pitfalls of each proposed resolution. It’s like being lost in a maze, yet instead of trying different routes, we critique the twists and turns, all the while remaining stationary.

This behaviour is as curious as it is counterproductive. Could it be that we are inherently more comfortable with the familiarity of problems than with the uncertainty of solutions? Or is it that we fear the effort, or perhaps the failure, that comes with trying to solve a problem?

In the realm of programming, where I spend a significant part of my day, this tendency to dissect potential solutions is not entirely negative. It can be beneficial to identify flaws or inefficiencies in proposed code or structures, as they could lead to security issues or scalability problems down the line. But this process is purposeful, deliberate – a means to an end. We dissect to construct more efficient, secure, and scalable solutions.

The challenge lies in finding a balance, in not allowing our analytical minds to become barriers to problem-solving. We must learn to be open to solutions, to not dismiss them prematurely based on potential flaws. Instead, we can view each solution as a stepping stone, a building block that, despite its imperfections, could be part of the ultimate resolution.

As I reflect on this, I realise it’s about adopting a more flexible mindset, a willingness to explore and experiment. It’s about acknowledging that while not every key will fit the lock, we won’t know unless we try. Each attempt, each failure, is a step forward, a move towards finding the key that eventually unlocks the door.