As the first day of the new year dawns, I find myself reflecting on the contours of my mind – a landscape ruled by logic and reason. There’s a symmetry, a structure to thoughts when viewed through the lens of rationality. It’s a map, a guide of sorts that directs me towards the path of evidence, of fact. But does this world of black and white, this binary of right and wrong, always serve me well?

Indeed, logic is my compass, my beacon in the sea of life’s complexities. When confronted with a problem, I sift through the evidence, weigh the alternatives, and seek the most rational solution. Yet, I’ve begun to acknowledge that not all problems are bound by the ties of logic. Not everything can be debugged like a line of code; not every error can be rectified with an algorithm.

Living in this world of absolutes, I have often overlooked the beauty of the indeterminate, the undefined. Emotions, though irrational and seemingly chaotic, have a rhythm of their own. They dance to the tunes of life, sometimes leading us down paths that logic might not deem the most efficient, yet these paths can be rich in personal growth, in raw, unfiltered human experience.

In the realm of emotions, irrationality often reigns supreme. It’s a world where fear and joy, sorrow and elation coexist. It’s a world that does not always follow the norms of logic, but it’s a world that allows us to experience life in its most vibrant colours.

What happens then, when logic fails to provide a solution? When there’s no clear path, no optimal way forward? It’s in these moments, perhaps, that having an illogical mind might be considered a blessing. It gives us the freedom to follow our instincts, to navigate the complexities of life not with calculated precision but with raw intuition.

The paradoxical beauty of life lies in this balance between the logical and illogical, the rational and irrational. The two aren’t mutually exclusive but rather, complementary aspects of the human experience. It’s a dance of coexistence, a balance that allows us to truly explore the spectrum of life. To have a logical mind is neither a curse nor a blessing in absolute terms. Rather, it’s a tool, a perspective, one that shapes my journey through life, and with each passing day, this journey only gets more fascinating.

As I continue to navigate this path, I am slowly learning to appreciate not just the black and white, but also the greys, the vibrant colours that fill the spaces in between. I am learning to appreciate the irrational, the emotional, the raw human moments that make life so intricately beautiful. Here’s to a new year of exploration, introspection, and embracing the balance between the logical and the illogical.